Not only on your own turn, but also on another player’s turn. During every turn you have to make small decisions. What if I don’t cross off the four and wait for the five and the six? The next player rolls, he can close the green row, the green die is out off the game and the chances of you crossing off the green five and six are even lower than before. I can cross off a green four, but then I can’t cross off the green five and six. However do you go fast or do you want to take it slow? That’s where the push your luck element comes in. This game has one of the most straightforward mechanisms you can think of. Like the title clearly says, this expansion mixes it up a bit. The bottom one is the score sheet from the base game. One sheet has all numbers in non-numerical order (top left) and the other one has multiple colours in the same row (top right). You can buy a little expansion for Qwixx, called Qwixx Mixx or Qwixx gemixxt. Add all the points from every row and useless turn together and the player with the most points wins the game. For instance, five ‘yellow’ crosses will earn you fifteen points, while nine ‘blue’ crosses will earn you forty-five points. The more crosses in a row, means more points. The game ends when two dice are removed from the game or someone had his fourth useless turn. If you can’t do anything in your turn, you have a useless turn and that will earn you minus five points. A crossed off lock counts as an extra crossed off number, which means extra points for you.

That row is closed and the die in that colour is removed from the game. When you crossed off, at least, five numbers in a row and you then can cross off a twelve (yellow and red) or a two (green and blue), and if you were the first to do so, you may additionally cross off the lock. So, once you’ve crossed off that yellow five, you can not cross off a yellow four in later turns. You can only cross off numbers to the right of the last crossed off number in a row.
#Qwixx rules locking a row plus#
So, maybe you want to cross off a yellow five (one plus four), a blue twelve (six plus six) or a green seven (six plus one). Namely, a combination of one white die and a coloured die. In addition, you can cross off another number. So every player, including you, can cross-off a red, yellow, blue or a green seven. Then every player has the choice to cross off the number that corresponds with the white dice, six plus one is seven. Let’s say you roll a white six and a one, a red six, a yellow four, a green one and a blue six. There are two white dice and a green, yellow, red and blue die.

During your turn you must roll all six dice. You goal is to cross off as much numbers per row before the game ends. The first two, red and yellow, are numbered 2 to 12, and the last two, blue and green, are number from 12 to 2. What is Qwixx? Qwixx is six dice and a score sheet. You get six dice, 1 score pad and the rules. Overview: What do you get for your money? Hanabi won, but there is more to Qwixx than meets the eye. It’s that simple, however it was interesting enough to nominate it for the prestigious Spiel des Jahres in 2013, along with Hanabi and Augustus. That’s Qwixx, a game from Steffen Bennedorf, published by White Goblin Games. You just need six dice and some pens, then roll the dice and cross off numbers.